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Writer's pictureAnoop Prathapan

The Dead Lizard - A Thought

There is a room that stinks because of a dead lizard in one of its corners. There are a bunch of professionals, all belonging to a particular group, who notice the room that stinks and discuss on a WhatsApp group, ways to get rid of the stench.

One suggests an air freshener be sprayed inside the room. Another suggests a new perfume to be brought from the latest perfumery to be used inside. Another one suggests issues with the walls of the room. The most brilliant one suggests (even) demolishing the room to build a new one.

Yet, none of the apparently "highly educated and skilled" professionals identifies that it is a dead lizard that is the cause of the foul smell and subsequently picks it up, throws it away, and mops the floor. Other than that one simple solution, every other possibility will be discussed for even 24 hours at a stretch and the participants leave for work the next morning with the satisfaction that they contributed their two cents to the global cause.

Let's imagine, somebody sensible points out the dead lizard and tells them that the only solution they need to solve the issue is to remove the corpse and clean the floor, they could be sure 98% might not have seen the dead lizard until then, and the remaining 2% who claims to have spotted it, would reply that they have not received specific orders from the top to pick up the dead lizard and that it is not within their discretionary powers to do so even if it means solving the issue.

Still, they would do nothing to procure such an order from wherever they believe the "top" is, or at least be sensible enough to keep their mouth shut in the meantime, acknowledging their worthlessness in performing even such a simple task. They would continue blabbering on WhatsApp, providing "novel" suggestions and recommendations to get rid of the stench just to undeservingly keep the limelight on themselves.

The irony is that such blockheads will be honoured as well, at later celebrations of the professional group, for their "priceless" participation in such apparently "logical" discussions.


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Annu Alen
Annu Alen

Brilliant 🙏 iam sure u were talking from some realtime experiences. Trust me we will see more dead lizards stinking all the rooms and more of such futile discussions. Thats our new way of development and progression to future 😂😂🙄

Anoop Prathapan
Anoop Prathapan

of course Annu...that has ben happening for long...still certain dumbheads only discuss discuss and discuss....


Fathima Firoze
Fathima Firoze

Well written boss!! Majority of the people don't think about solving the real problem.... either due lack of "insight" or fear of being

" the black sheep"

Anoop Prathapan
Anoop Prathapan

absolutely... I know many since 7/2018...


Neema Sanilnath
Neema Sanilnath

You are different from the rest, yes, I accept that but I still truly wish you move away from this bitterness and be that person who throws the dead lizard away ‘quietly’ and not spent a minute criticising anyone around. I wish you have some happy things to write about, I wish you put your amazing writing skills to bring some joy in people’s lives.

P.S. “You are the best“

Anoop Prathapan
Anoop Prathapan

If I am the best you are even more better Neema....a lot better.....and thanks for motivating me and being of help... and more importantly, for being there..


Sneha Grace Roy
Sneha Grace Roy

Anoop sirjii, I can relate this article to my daily worries that I encounter at my workplace... An interesting fact is, only 2% of ppl like u raise voice against the crisis we face, while all others prefers to remain silent... 😒☹️

Anoop Prathapan
Anoop Prathapan

thanks a lot Sneha...

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